Thursday, July 05, 2007

Dog Days of Summer Contest #1

Smell the Contest in the Air.....

Someone who crochets: Ingrid

Someone who's never made a dishcloth before: Madonna

Someone who has been knitting\crocheting for less than 2 years: Chan

Someone who has been knitting\crocheting for more than 5 years: Abby

Someone who is from a non-US country: Marianne

(okay so I brown-nosed a little, LOL)


Bubblesknits said...

You always got to write on the blackboard, didn't you? LOL Don't worry, so did I. :-) I guess I need to get my entry in.

I've been harrassing your monkey again. No matter how many times I throw him off that branch, he just keeps smiling! hehehe

picperfic said...

I don't know how I got here but I was surprised to see me in your answers! So what happens next i wonder?

SissySees said...

Oh, if only the sucking up would help! Anne uses that blasted random number generator, so I can't even promise to look for the pale purple paper with the dark purple ink...